Service Oriented Architecture - SOA and ITSM
IT Service Management - Based on a Service Oriented
SOA Management Special Offer - In today's competitive business environment, innovation drives success and growth. Speeding the go-to-market time of enterprise innovations is critical for increasing business agility. Applications and supporting infrastructures must be built to change, built to last, and built torun 24x7. Businesses are constantly challenged to share and transmit highly-sensitive data securely, and with increasing speed. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) improves business resilience by enabling both the rapid reuse of existing assets and the sharing of services and infrastructure across the business. However, the strategies for adopting an SOA approach can be confusing, if not daunting. Additionally, incorporating SOA's Web services and XML-based underpinnings with a multitude of new connectivity points can introduce a host of issues for any business, including complexity, security, and slow performance. If not addressed, these issues can be prohibitively costly in terms of resources, time, budget and risk. For enterprises to reap the benefits of SOA deployments, they must find ways to address these risks.
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ITSM - SOA Policy Template is ITIL Compliant
IT Service Management Policy Template is an MS WORD
document that contains policies, standards, procedures
and metrics that comply with latest version of the ITIL
Standard. Chapters of the template include:
- Service Requests Policy
- Service Request Standard
- Help Desk Policy
- Help Desk Standards
- Help Desk
- Help Desk
Service Level Agreement
- Change
Control Standard
- Change
Control Quality Assurance Standard
- Change
Control Management Workbook
- Documentation Standard
- Application Version Control Standard
- Version
Control Standard
- Internet
- e-mail
Communication Policy
- Blog &
Personal Web Site Policy
- Travel and
Off-Site Meeting
- Sensitive
Information Policy
In addition, the ITSM template includes the Business and IT Impact Questionnaire, a Change Control Request Form and an Internet Use Approval Form. It conforms with ITIL.
The template can be purchased by
itself or with supporting job descriptions. We do
provide an update service for the template as it is
modified. You can see a full table of contents and
some sample pages by clicking on the link below.
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IT Service Management - Service Oriented Architecture - PDF
ITSM - SOA Standard Edition contains standards, policies and procedures, metrics and service level agreement for the help desk, change control, service requests, blog / personal web site, and travel and off-site meetings. It also contains a Change Request Form, Business and IT Impact Questionnaire, and an Internet Use Approval Form. It is ITIL compliant. It include in a single 338 PDF page document:
- ITSM standard with policies and procedures
- 5 supporting policies - Blog and Personal Web Site Policy;
BYOD Policy; Internet, e-mail, Social Networking, Mobile Device, Electronic Communications, and Record Retention Policy; Sensitive Information Policy; and
Travel, Electronic Meeting, and Off-Site Meeting Policy
- 20 ready to use electronic forms: Blog Compliance Agreement; BYOD Access and Use Agreement; Email employee Agreement; Internet Access Request; Internet and Electronic Communications; Internet Use Approval; and Sensitive Information Policy Compliance Agreement
- 17 full job descriptions
NOTE: is available with optional 12 or 24 months of update service to the document and all of it components.
ITSM - SOA Silver Edition
- IT Service Management for Service Oriented Architecture Template
- IT Service Management - SOA Job Descriptions Bundle contains 24 full job descriptions (MS WORD format)
- Chief Experience Officer
- Digital Brand Manager
- Director e-Commerce
- Director IT Infrastructure
- Director Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
- Manager Change Control
- Manager Customer Service
- Manager Customer Service Center
- Manager Customer Site Support
- Manager Help Desk Support
- Manager KPI Metrics
- Manager Metrics
- Manager Quality Control
- Manager Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
- Manager Service Level Reporting
- Manager User Support
- Capacity Planning Supervisor
- Change Control Analyst
- Change Control Supervisor
- Help Desk Analyst
- Help Desk Technician
- Key Performance Indicator Analyst
- Metrics Measurement Analyst
- Quality Measurement Analyst
Available with 12 or 24 months of update service
ITSM - SOA Gold Edition
- IT Service Management for Service Oriented Architecture Template
- 324 full IT Job Descriptions - Includes all of the job descriptions (MS WORD format) in the IT Service Management - SOA Job Descriptions Bundle plus the full inventory of Internet and IT job descriptions contained in Janco's Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide.
Available with 12 or 24 months of update service
ITSM - SOA Platinum Edition
- IT Service Management for Service Oriented Architecture Template
- 324 full IT Job Descriptions
- Security Audit Program - The Audit Program is IS0 28000, ISO 27000, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI-DSS, ITIL, and HIPAA compliant. It meets
EU and US state requirements (Massachusetts, New York, and California) .
- Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide - The PDF book is over 900 plus pages in length and contains 326 Job Descriptions in addition to a Job Progression Matrix Template, Job Evaluation Questionnaire, Employee Termination Checklist (electronic form), and Position Description Questionnaire.
Available with 12 or 24 months of update service
ITSM - SOA and Disaster Recovery Template
- IT Service Management for Service Oriented Architecture Template
- Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - is provided in MS WORD, epub, and PDF format. It is a complete DRP and can be used in whole or in part to establish defined responsibilities, actions and procedures to recover the computer, communication and network environment in the event of an unexpected and unscheduled interruption. The plan includes electronic forms, Business Impact Analysis tool, and a DR/BC audit program. The template is IS0, COBIT, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA compliant.
The plan is structured to attain the following objectives:
- Recover the physical network within the Critical Time Frames established and accepted by the user community;
- Recover the applications within the Critical Time Frames established and accepted by the user community; and
- Minimize the impact on the business with respect to dollar losses and operational interference.
Available with 12 or 24 months of update service
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